

Google Plus Is "Exploding" With Growth With Millions Joining Every Day

  Google+ is Really Taking Off! Millions Joining Daily. 30%
Increase in Users in last 2 days.

On September 9, our model showed 28.7 million users.

This morning, our model shows 37.8 million users, with most of the growth coming in the last 2 days

And our current estimate is 43.4 million users.

The timing on Google+ opening up to the public is interesting. Facebook has made a ton of UI changes this week and is holding it's F8 Developers Conference today - in fact it is just staring now. According to a survey this week by Mashable, 72.2% of Facebook users hate the recent UI changes, including the News Feed redesign. Twitter's stream was filled with complaints yesterday about Facebook under the hashtag #newfacebook.

Google is a company that has had the incredible discipline for more than a decade to use a very simple, minimalist design on its home page along with a long search box to encourage longer queries. Changes to home page links are very infrequent. The popularity of its home page never led Google to turn itself into a portal, with hundreds of links and a few lucrative ads. Given that discipline, I think the tens of millions of people who will be signing up for and using Google+ will find that changes here will be very well thought out, very iterative, very carefully tested, and won't be nearly as jarring as the changes that have been made at other social networks. Google is not in a rush to change the world. They are on a steady course to do so.

But 43 million users in a handful of months? And a lot of that entrance in a final dual days? we consider it’s protected to contend Google Plus is going to be around a while. It’s a long, prolonged highway to truly plea Facebook’s dominance, though a expansion of Google Plus has already exceeded what even some confident analysts predicted.

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